4 October 2019
We would like to acknowledge that our walks takes place on and with Noongar Country, in what is also now known as Perth, Western Australia, and with Derbarl Yerrigan, in what is also now known as the Swan River.
Something was certainly in the air on this windy and wet morning. Djenark multiple!
Djenark visited us several times. We invite you to watch this movie and pay attention to Djenark movements multiple. Then, we invite you to watch the video and move with Djenark.
- How is Djenark moving her feet?
- Can you move your feet like Djenark?
- How is Djenark moving her head and neck?
- Can you move your head and neck like Djenark?
- How is Djenark moving her wings?
- What would it feel like to have wings like Djenark?
- Imagine you have wings, can you move them like Djenark?
What might paying attention to Djenark’s movements multiple mean for our relations with the more-than-human? How might embodied actions develop our relationship with Djenark?